View members' powerpoint presentations

Use the below search engine to view members’ powerpoint presentations. If you view a presentation, please consider contributing one of your own. You must be a member and logged onto the site to upload presentations.


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Examples of presentations

Image Name
Physiotherapists\' role in managing patients with skin breakdown
Carey Bayliss
Image Name
A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for teaching physiotherapy students about spinal cord injuries: A randomised controlled trial
Shofiqul Islam
Image Name
Bladder Mx: client education

To upload presentations

We encourage members to upload their powerpoint presentations to this website so other users can view them. To do this you must:

  1. Be logged onto this website, click here
  2. Save your powerpoint presentation in flash (swf) format. You can download a free plugin for powerpoint to do this, click here to download.
  3. Create a jpg image of your first slide. Use the “save as” function in powerpoint software and select from the drop down list of file types.
  4. Go to the menu titled “upload presentation” (only visible if you are logged in).

Frequently asked questions

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