View members' documents, templates and policies

Use the below search engine to view members’ PT-related documents, templates and polices. If you view a document, please consider contributing one of your own. You must be a member and logged onto the site to upload documents.


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Examples of documents

Image Name
Effects of Body weight support treadmill training in incomplete spinal cord injury
Image Name
Ithuseng Spinal Rehabilitation Centre Instructor\'s Guide
Image Name
QuadPara Association of South Africa - Care Attendant Training Workshop Manual

To upload documents

We encourage members to upload their documents to this website so other users can view them.
To do this you must:

  1. Be logged onto this website, click here
  2. Create a JPG image of your first page. Use the “save as” function from the Microsoft Office software and select from the drop down list of file types and select JPG/JPEG.
  3. Go to the menu titled “upload documents” (only visible if you are logged in).

Frequently asked questions

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